Thursday, June 24, 2010

Are You Sick Of Black Head On Your Face


What Causes Blackheads?

A blackhead is caused by excess oil that has clogged a pore. This clog occurs when the built-up oil is unable to flow to the surface of the skin due to a misshapen or impaired pore and dead skin cells blocking the way. When the pore is open, the oil is exposed to oxygen, which reacts and turns it a dark color, resulting in a black head.
  • Hormones are the leading cause of increased oil production.
  • The next big culprit in blackhead formation is the use of skin-care products or make-up. These products will mix with your body's natural oil and add to the build-up that can block pores.Whitehead and blackhead pimple formation seems to be a predisposed condition that is aggravated or increased when combined with the above toxins.

Tips for Getting Rid of Blackheads:

There are many things that you can do to prevent blackheads from appearing on your face. Most involve cleansing and some require the use of medications.
 Change your pillow case as often as possible, oil can build up on your pillow and while you are sleeping can get on your face. If you remember to change your pillow case once every night or every two to three days this will help alleviate any issues if you have a black heads.
STEAM: When you're taking a shower close all the doors and turn the shower water on as hot as you possibly can stand it. The steam will help open up the pores and can loosen the black head. This can also be accomplished by buying a facial steamer which is specifically made to open up facial pores.

Check your makeup:  The truth is, what you put on to cover blackheads up might actually be causing more of them!  If you wear lots of heavy foundation or use thick face creams, you could be contributing to the problem with your products!  In general, if you have a problem with greasy skin and clogged pores, consider using as few products as you can.  The fewer layers of stuff that you put on your face, the better.Avoid using creamy, greasy, and thick (emollient) products. This alone will greatly lessen your chances of sprouting blackheads
Lots of water & healthy eating –  What you put into your body shows on the outside.  Simple as that.  If you eat lots of greasy crap, your skin is not going to look as good as it would if you ate more veggies and drank more water.
Use BHA – BHA stands for Beta Hydroxy Acid, which is an exfoliant that removes the dead layer of skin from your face.  If you’ve ever seen a skincare product that contains salicylic acid, that’s BHA.  BHA is important for getting rid of blackheads because it goes into your pores to clean out the excess oil and dead skin cells that make up blackheads.
DO NOT use bar soap!!! The ingredients that hold soap in a bar form can clog the pores in your skin.
Do a clay mask once a week – This is only for those of you with oily or combination skin.  Dry skin, obviously, needs all the oil it can get.  Blackheads are partially caused by excess oil on your face, so if you have greasy skin, a good quality clay mask will help sop up some of the grease and keep your pores clearer.  Using it once a week is enough – you don’t want to over-dry your skin, because this could lead to even more problems!
Squeeze, but do it carefully! - Though the best way to remove blackheads is an area of contention, the most common method for getting rid of blackheads is to gently squeeze them.This is one situation where picking your face may actually help instead of making things worse.  Don’t take this as permission to pick at your face all you want!  There is a right and a wrong way to squeeze blackheads and it’s really important that you do it the right way. If nothing happens after one or two tries, stop.  That means the blackhead isn’t ready to come out yet.
  • Use a mild scrub or to remove any dead cells and expose the blackhead.
  • Pat your face dry.
  • Place a slightly warm compress on your face for approximately 10-15 minutes in order to soften the blackhead, making it easier to remove.
  • Pat your face dry again.
  • Place a piece of tissue on the tip of each finger to avoid slipping, which could tear the skin and cause further damage.
  • Gently apply even pressure to both sides of the blackhead by pushing down, then up around the blemish. You're trying to apply the pressure from *underneath* the blackhead.
  • Whatever you do, don’t pinch, use your nails or press too hard.  This can damage your skin and might even lead to scars!
PORE STRIPS: Using pore strips to remove blackheads is not recommended for many reasons:
  • The warnings on the box tell you not to use them on swollen, irritated, sunburned skin; not to use them on excessively dry skin; and not to use them on any area other than the nose. Also, the warnings state that if the strip is too difficult to remove, you should add water and remove carefully.
  • Removing the superficial blackheads, along with some healthy skin, will only help temporarily.
  • Repeated use of pore strips can cause irritation and future breakouts.
  • The adhesive on the strips can tear or injure the skin, especially if you are using an acne medication or if you naturally have thin skin.
Vacuum blackhead removers and blackhead extractors are not recommended for the same reasons as the pore strips. Because blackheads are caused by excessive oil production clogging the pores, the most effective way to get rid of blackheads is to control oil on the face by using mild cleansers and by balancing your hormones.

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