Monday, June 21, 2010

Manage Hair Fall Before Its Too Late

Baldness or hair loss is usually something only adults need to worry about. But in a few cases, teens lose their hair, too — and it may be a sign that something's going on.
What is the normal cycle of hair growth and loss?
The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2 to 3 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. About 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 3 to 4 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.\
It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.

 Here Are Some Facts That You Should Know About Hair Loss:
    * It is perfectly normal to lose around 50 to 100 hairs from your head per day.

    * Too much washing will not lead to hair loss.

    * Hats do not make you “go bald”, neither do wigs for that matter.

    * If you want to spend an hour giving your hair 100 brush strokes daily, go ahead. It will not hurt you, and might even help improve blood circulation to your follicles.

    * There are no products out there that will really make your hair grow faster or thicker, no matter what the cosmetic company’s commercials say.

                       What Causes Excessive Hair Loss?

Many of these causes are temporary and a few are permanent. These are some main reasons for hair loss:

    * Genetics is one of the biggest causes of hair loss. Androgen alopecia, or male pattern baldness, affects 70 percent of all men sometime in their life.  Women also are known to suffer from pattern baldness, but in a much smaller percentage.

    * Hormonal imbalance is said to be the biggest factor in genetic hair loss. In men: the male hormone androgen binds with an enzyme in the hair follicle, creating DHT, which keeps the follicle from restarting the growth phase.

    * The female hormone, estrogen, can also cause hair loss and many women can suffer significant hair loss when using birth control pill.

    * Many women also suffer from hair loss after giving birth. This is caused by  the hormonal changes occurring within the body of the new mother and is only temporary.

    * Stress can cause a lot of bodily problems, hair loss being one of them. While hair loss caused by stress is only temporary, it can be the trigger for the onset of permanent, genetically based hair loss.

    * An unhealthy diet can also cause hair loss, especially a diet that is high in saturated fat and lacking in hair friendly vitamins and minerals. A healthy hair follicle needs thins like iron, zinc, protein, and vitamin B6 in order to stay healthy.

    * Drinking too much coffee, tea or alcohol, or eating too many processed, fried, spicy, greasy or sour foods can reduce the amount of nutrients that a hair follicle is getting.

    * Certain drugs, medication, or treatments like chemotherapy can cause hair loss. These are usually temporary and your hair grows back once you stop taking the drugs or getting the treatment.

    * Some fungal infections like ringworm or the STD: Treponema pallidum can cause hair loss. Dandruff, however, does not.

    * Hair loss could be a symptom of an underlying disease such as diabetes, or lupus.

    * Getting old is another way to suffer from hair loss. Losing hair is a side effect of the ageing process.

Treating hair loss is dependent upon the cause. Simply switching medications, or ending treatments can treat a lot of hair loss cases. Diagnosing and treating the ailment can cure hair loss caused by infection or disease. Time and patience will usually take care of hair loss caused by stress or giving birth and switching birth control pills might help woman suffering hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance. Genetic hair loss however, is a little bit harder of a problem to tackle

Here Are Some Possible Treatments For Genetically Based Hair Loss:

    * Proper diet and exercise will help keep your hormones in check and stave off androgen alopecia.

    * Choosing a good barber or hair stylist might help you hide your thinning hair from your peers. Just stay away from Donald Trump’s hair dresser.

    * Hair transplants have come a long way as have wigs and weaving methods.

    * Minoxidil, the stuff found in Rogaine and Provillus, is the only substance approved by the FDA to regrow hair. The catch is that you need to continue using it if you want to keep your hair.


    * A clean scalp is essential for healthy looking hair. Lemon juice, gently rubbed on and then left in for 15-20 minutes will give super clean, dandruff free hair.

    * Get you daily dose of calcium. Along with dairy, sesame seeds and figs are high in calcium.

    * A shampoo made from equal parts amla juice and lime juice as said to stimulate hair growth and prevent loss.  Amla is also said to help with graying hair as well as promote thick, luxurious black hair.

    * Avoid corrosive, chemically laden shampoos and harsh weather as much as possible.

    * Polysaturated (sunflower) oils and foods rich in vitamin B (brown rice, bananas) will help with dry hair.

    * Henna and Mehendi are excellent natural hair conditioners


                                 DIAGNOSIS BY HAIR

    * If you have excessive hair loss, check your thyroid gland. Also, make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals.

    *  If your hair is fragile, check your bowels.

    * If your hair grows very slowly, your nervous system is very weak.

    * If you started getting gray hair fast, check your heart and pancreas. Another reason could be a hormonal dysfunction.

    * If you get a few grey strands of hair, it could be a genetic defect – dysfunction of hair nerve.

    * The reasons for getting grey hair at a young age are high acidity, getting a lot of salt with foods, diabetes, stress, constant fatigue, lack of enzymes, disorder of sex functions and poor blood circulation in your heart.

    * A cause of getting half of your hair or all of your hair grey is severe stress or shock.

    * If your hair is very brittle, you have not been getting optimal nutrition for a long time.

    *  If a woman gets bald spots on her temples, it could be early climax and hormonal dysfunction.

    * If you had light hair and it started getting dark fast, check your liver and gall bladder.

    * If your hair got dark only on the roots, it could be a head skin disease.

    * The cause of baldness could be rheumatism or gout.

    * If you got round bald spots, you have serious anemia.

    * If you have dandruff, limit the amount of salt, sugar, coffee and dairy in your diet.

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